July 6, 2024

6 min read

3 GTM channels you can't afford to ignore

Chapter 1: Introduction

In today's fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for any business.

As a lead generation and go-to-market agency, we've discovered 3 powerful outreach channels that can transform your business.

In this blog post, we'll explore these channels and share simple ways to leverage them effectively.

Chapter 2: LinkedIn Content

LinkedIn has become an essential platform for B2B networking and lead generation. Here's how to make the most of it:

⤷ Consistent Posting: Aim to post 4 times a week. This keeps your profile active and increases your visibility.

⤷ Daily Engagement: Set aside 30 minutes each day to interact with others in your community. Comment, like, and share posts to build relationships.

⤷ Warm Outreach: When someone from your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) engages with your content, send them a friendly message to start a conversation.

By following these steps, you'll build a strong presence on LinkedIn and improve your inbound lead flow.

Chapter 3: Cold Email

Cold email is NOT dead (yet). It is still a powerful channel when done right. Here's how to make it work for you:

⤷ Build a Quality List: Use tools like Prospeo to get a clean list of email addresses for your ICP.

⤷ Personalize Your Approach: Leverage Clay to scrape relevant data and create targeted emails that resonate with your prospects.

⤷ Warm-Up and Launch: Spend two weeks warming up your email account, then launch your campaign using a tool like Instantly.

Chapter 4: Reddit

Reddit might not be the first platform you think of for lead generation, but it's a goldmine of opportunities.

Here's how to tap into it:

⤷ Find Your Niche: Join subreddits relevant to your industry or target audience.

⤷ Share Valuable Content: Post about your "experiments" or insights, making sure to match Reddit's unique tone and style.

⤷ Connect and Qualify: Send direct messages to users who engage with your content, but be quick to disqualify those who aren't a good fit.

Believe it or not, we've signed two clients just from posting content on Reddit!

Chapter 5: Conclusion

These three channels - LinkedIn, cold email, and Reddit - offer immense potential for growing your business. The sooner you start leveraging them, the bigger the gap will be between you and your competition.

Remember, you're just one channel away from changing the trajectory of your business. Whether it's building a strong LinkedIn presence, crafting personalized cold emails, or tapping into the Reddit community, each of these strategies can lead to significant growth.

So, which channel will you focus on first? Are you already using any of these strategies?

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You're one decision away from changing your company's GTM trajectory.

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You're one decision away from changing your company's GTM trajectory.