February 15, 2025

6 min read

Don't automate your follow-ups

Chapter 1: Introduction

In a world filled with automation and no-code agencies, it's easy to want to automate your entire workflow.

This is especially true in cold outreach.

There is nothing more attractive than selling a system that doesn't require yo to lift a finger to do outreach, book meetings and even close deals!


That is simply not possible and you shouldn't want that any way.

Chapter 2: When to automate

We have too much data to back up the fact that using automation and AI works very well when it comes to top of funnel.

Here's one of many examples we have of a succesful automated outbound campaign.

The reason this works is because when sending cold emails, your leads are simply skimming through the content.

They're not reading, they just want to know what's in it for them.

Once they show interest then ↓

Chapter 3: Humans

This is where we sing a different tune than most outreach agencies.

We want you to follow-up by ( wait for it)

Sending manual messages.

Crazy, I know but hear us out.

People buy from People.

You have moved the lead from "prospecting" to "replied".

You've now gotten yourself in their primary inbox and have started a conversation.

Put data aside, do you not think that this lead now deserves 5-10 minutes of your time?

That's all it takes by the way to record a Loom video, or do research on their Linkedin profile.

Manual, personalized follow-ups ( for now) are far better than automated follow-ups.

Chapter 4: Moat

If you're not convinced, then maybe this last point will get you to do things the old school way.

Everyone is using automation.

Everyone is using AI.

This is an opportunity for you to stand out.

In your manual follow-ups, poke fun at that.

Make sure in the first 4 seconds of your loom you make it very clear that this video wasn't auto generated.

This shows EFFORT.

EFFORT leads to provoking Reciprocity from your leads.

A popular concept discussed in Robert Cialdini's "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" ( if you haven't read this book stop everything and go read it)

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Don't fly too close to the sun, learn when to use automation and when to leverage human capital.

The mantra is simple:

"If a lead has shown interest in you, they then have earned a manual response from you"

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