December 25, 2023

6 min read

10 Sales Advice I wish I knew

Chapter 1: Introduction

I've been in Sales for the past 5 years.

Here are 10 Sales advice I know at 27 that I wish I knew at 22:

1- Sell something you belive in

People can smell bullsh*t.

If you're not convinced by your own product/service, how can you expect to convince someone else about it?

This is why I am having so much fun in my agency selling tools like Clay, Instantly and more.

I genuinely believe in all of these tools, and I believe in our team.

2- Tech is your ally not your enemy

Now with AI, it feels like your process needs to be updated every 2 weeks, because it's true.

Stay on top of the newest trends in tech so you can stay ahead of the competition.

3- The classics are a classic for a reason

Yes tech is important, but no amount of AI advancement will change the fundamentals. Understand your lead's pain point, and have a killer offer.

4- Apply for a role based on the manager, not the company

Your manager will make you or break you. Find someone you can look up to and learn from, otherwise you're going to pay the cost with your time.

Great manager at a no name company > FAANG

5- Volume DOES matter

Too long I kept convincing myself that volume doesn't matter, but when you learn that only 3% of the market is ready to buy, there's no going back.

figure out your TAM, update it, and reach out to them.

6- Sales content creators are just marketers in disguise.

I know some big names in the industry that you guys worship who can't sell water to a well. They're just really good copywriters, and you guys fall for their bait every time.

Only take advice from people who can ACTUALLY show you REAL results and can back-up what they are saying.

7- Don't associate your value by your company's KPIs

Just because a company has horrible KPI structure doesn't mean YOU are horrible.

My "compass score" at Salesforce for the longest time indicated that I was a horrible rep, yet I have now closed over $1M in ACV in less than a year with no AE experience and sourced out every deal by myself.

while doing every other role required at my company...

8- You either sell it or you build it

People willl laugh at you for being in sales and call you an ape. When in reality, the top 5 consultant firms that your best friends are wlling to go through hell and back to join, are ran by sales people.

What do you think partners do all day?

They close deals.

Learn the basics of sales and you'll be set for life.

9- Everything works, Everything sucks

There is no silver bullet, but don't try to run before you walk.

Stick to the basics, only test when you've nailed the basics.

Trends change, because people change, because culture changes.

Memes DO work, swearing CAN work, Cold calling ISN'T dead.

10- Have fun

None of this is worth it if you're not having fun.

Booking a meeting gives me a bigger high than any espresso shot I drink.

Closing a deal makes my entire week

Hearing back positive feedback from a client fulfills me.

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