January 12, 2024

6 min read

Our company values

Chapter 1: Introduction

I find it very important to align your values with whoever you are going to work with.

That's why I've put together a list of values I want my entire team to subscribe to but also, I think it's important for potential clients to read these so they know who they are going to do business with.

Chapter 2: The values

1- I work for you, you work for them

My role as a founder is to give you the tools and the training you need to excel at your job.

I will always hire you for 2 reasons:

  • I need more time back in my day to do {{x}}

  • I fire myself to make space for you to join because you’re better than me at {{x}}

Because of that, I now am in your debt and work for you.

Your job is to worry about servicing our clients. Everything you do is for them, and not me.

2- Fast alone, further together

Speed is extremely important, but when we operate as a unit, when we all understand the goal of the company, we can go so far.

Ultimately, a company scales successfully because employees are empowered to help customers without your intervention

I want it to be crystal clear to everyone on the team what we are trying to achieve so that you can have conversations with customers without the need to ask me questions.

3- Impress Impress Impress

The best outcome you can get from a client is to have them say:

Damn, I never thought about that before!

After seeing something you’ve built or finishing a conversation with you.

How do we accomplish that? It’s a combination of active listening + wisdom + research.

  • Active listening: You’re only able to wow someone and help them if you REALLY understand what they are saying. This requires focus. Listen to what they say, and confirm with them when you have doubts, always.

  • Wisdom: This comes with time, it relates to another value of ours. Patience, we want to win big, and in order to win big, we must play for a long time.

  • Research: We are passionate about learning. In order to learn, you must research. When you research, you discover new, impactful things and/or get confirmation that what you’re doing is right.

Combine all 3, and you’re guaranteed to deliver great work.

4- Our skin is thick

We’re in a very emotional game. We are in the business of growth. People look at us like we can save their lives( and that can be true), but that’s not always the case. The harsh truth, is that no matter how hard we try, sometimes the timing isn’t right and the offer isn’t connecting, that should never get to us. we have thick skin, we don’t let no’s and failures stop us from moving forward.

How not to react

❌ When a superior tells us we did something wrong, we resent them

❌ When a superior tells us we did something wrong, we become insecure about our abilities

❌ When a client tells us we’re doing a bad job, we feel hurt and insecure

❌ When we go through a dry month, we feel like we should quit

❌ When things aren’t going the way we want them to, we automatically think we’re the problem

How to react

✅ Chin always up, no matter what. Always. Nothing ( in business) is ever allowed to ruin our mental health for an entire day. Leave those sad days for stuff that actually matter ( anything in your personal life, family, health, etc..)

5- One Good client > Ten bad ones

We will say no over and over again to bad clients.

We don’t get greedy when someone wants to pay us to do work. This is a two way relationship, we only work with good clients. So it’s important to identify what is a good client and a bad client.

Bad client

❌ They don’t have a website

❌ They have a website, but it looks like shit

❌ They aren’t sure about what they want are always changing their mind about things

❌ They don’t have a good offer

❌ They expect us to deliver results starting yesterday.

❌ They don’t trust that we can do the job.

❌ They take a long time to pay our invoices and we end up chasing after them

❌ They ping us every other day to ask us how the campaign is doing

❌ We don’t take on clients that aren’t making 50K a month

Good client

✅ The opposite of everything mentioned on the left side.

❗ The consequences of a bad client is that if you choose to take them on, ultimately you are setting yourself and them, up for failture. You can make money from them for a month or two, but your reputation is now forever ruined in their eyes and that doesn’t just stop with them, every person they will talk to will have the same thought about you, and that can snowball. Reputation over everything.

6- Retention > Acquisition

We want to scale the business to 83K MRR ( monthly reocurring revenue). Notice how part of that acronym is the word “reoccuring”? Which means, it needs to happen, every month. That is extremely important to the success of our company. Our industry has a high churn rate. We want to have a very low one. The best way to do it? is to think backwards. Let’s list all the reasons why clients churn and then figure out how to retain them:

Why clients churn

❌ We take too long to respond to their message

❌ We aren’t transperant about our process

❌ We don’t update them about the performance of their campaigns

❌ We don’t deliver results for them by the end of month 2.

❌ We don’t try out best

❌ We don’t run a/b testing to ensure we land on the best campaign

❌ We keep chasing other potential clients because we love shiny objects

❌ We tell them we know the answer to a question we have when we really don’t

❌ We show up late to calls and unprepared

❌ We blame them when campaigns don’t perform well

❌ We don’t constantly think of ways to make their life easier

❌ We don’t check in with them to see how things are going on their end

How to retain them

✅ Do the opposite of everything mentioned on the left

7- Prevention > cure

We are always thinking of ways to prevent an accident from happening instead of fixing it.

Everyone in our industry is taking out fires, I want us to avoid from having fires in the first place. We do this by constantly asking questions.

  • Why?

  • How?

  • When?

  • What?

And the list goes on. Questions are layer 1.

Layer 2 is experience. We know what we need to do and not do because we’ve already gone through it, and if we haven’t we embrace that.

Experience = time

It takes time, and more often than not, it requires you to fuck up during that time to learn, and you should be okay with it. ( revisit values 4 and 1)

Alternatively, to speed this up, we learn how to prevent something from happening by keeping an open eye and ears to other experts who have gone through what we went through.

Experience = time and if someone has already taken the time to do {x}, we ought to listen and learn.

8- Reputation > Revenue

We value our reputation far more than our revenue. We are willing to make less if that means more people will hear good things about us.

The irony in this is that if you look at it like this then revenue will go up, but only if reputation is the main focus.

When reputation is the main focus, it also means that delivering good work is the main focus.

Both are connected, but one of them sits at the top.

9- If it’s not a fuck yes, it’s a no.

If we’re not sure about something, we don’t do it. This applies to every part of our business.

We’re not sure if we should take on this client?

We don’t do it.

We’re not sure about an answer from a client’s question?

We don’t answer until we know for certain.

Your actions should always be backed by full conviction. Zero doubts, only 100% certainty in everything we do.

PS: When it’s a no but it’s something that needs to be done, then ask questions. Always.

10- Question

We always ask Questions. We don’t shy away from asking questions. We believe that asking questions is a way to show that we care and are looking to learn.

Chapter 3: Conclusion

If you find your values align with ours and you're looking for help with your Go to market, feel free to book a time with our team here: https://tally.so/r/mYd4KJ

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